Books + Flicks

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. If I had a guest house, this book would be in every bedside drawer 🙂 In fact, any Deepak Chopra books are the business.

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran, beautiful, relevant poetry

Transcendence: Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation by Dr Norman E. Rosenthal

Waterlog by Roger Deakin

All of Robert MacFarlane’s Books!

A few of my friends recommended The Hay House publishing series of books and there are some terrific titles which again I’ve dipped in and out of, an author of note I like is Wayne Dyer, there are some fab films of his on You Tube too.

Brene Brown is amazing! She has a selection of books, the first I’m only listening to now on Audible. To me she’s one of these speakers where you’re just right in there with her, absorbed and passionate. Her TED talks on the Power of Vulnerability and Listening to Shame were pivotal to me when I first watched them. What can I say, the lady makes sense, check her out!

What telly or film comforts you? Or guarantees to make you laugh? Make sure it’s to hand when you need an escape route. I just love Northern Exposure, I find it so nourishing. Dreamy, philosophical DJ Chris, intrepid yet feminine Maggie and her on/off boyfriend neurotic Fleischman, such characters! Yeah, I grew up in the nineties…